Thursday, October 22, 2009

“A Good Man is Hard to Find”

- O’Conner begins to foreshadow at the very beginning when the grandmother begins to complain about the trip to Florida and wanting travel in Tennessee instead. Her reasoning was even the notorious Misfit. She continues with the foreshadowing through the unfortunate events and complaining of the children. She again remarks about the Misfit and even says it’s hard to find good people in the world today.
- She both young and old at the same time. She is young in the sense she gives excuses and becomes selfish about what she wants to do about the trip. Then she even takes her cat although the entire family didn’t want to bring the cat along. She is a wise woman in the fact she knew the Misfit was someone to stay away from and know that people in the world can be evil. She also is old in the fact she talks a lot about her past and what things were like. She is the same woman at the beginning of the story as she is at the end.
- She sees that he was not necessary an evil person but a person that made bad decisions. He could be one of her own children or grandchildren that misbehave but are not evil. That he went further with his misbehavior.
- The Misfit was a person that was lost in the world. He was smart but lead the wrong type of life. Although one could not be sure if he would have been better had he had someone to help lead him in the right path.
- I think that they would be wrong. The idea of evil and good or bad and nice people run deep throughout this story. Once looked at deeper the issue turns from black and white to a grey. Its hard to label someone bad or good or evil or nice.

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